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Hlídáček je v pozoru
They say that behind every great man, there’s a great woman, and behind London’s most powerful leaders, there stands only one—Alex Hyde, business coach par excellence. She’s the woman they turn to for advice and strategy when the pressure gets too much. So when Alex gets a call offering an unbelievable sum to discreetly manage a family member on the board of an esteemed Scottish whisky company, it’s business as usual. She can do this in her sleep. Only, she’s never met anyone like Lochlan Farqhuar before. CEO of Kentallen Distilleries, he’s also the son and heir of the company’s founder, and a man for whom there is no „no.“ He’s a maverick, and Alex needs to get inside his head before he brings the company to its knees. But as she tasks herself with finding a way in, she finds that for once, she’s not the one in control. And when she stumbles across a chance discovery that changes everything, she’s suddenly not so sure she should be.
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Objednané knihy doručujeme do 3 pracovních dnů do České republiky a Slovenska. Pro zákazníky máme také možnost osobního odběru na 2 pobočkách.
Česká republika
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Všechno naše úsilí a pečlivost se vyplácí. Zákazníci nás chválí za kvalitní služby, vstřícnost a knihy ve skvělém stavu, a to nás nesmírně těší!
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