Krugman’s Economics for AP®, Second Edition is designed to be easy to read and easy to use. This book is your ultimate tool for success in the AP® Economics course and exam.
The text combines the successful storytelling, vivid examples, and clear explanations of Paul Krugman and Robin Wells with the AP® expertise of Margaret Ray and David Anderson. In this exciting new edition of the AP® text, Ray and Anderson successfully marry Krugman’s engaging approach and captivating writing with content based on The College Board’s AP® Economics Course outline, all while focusing on the specific needs and interests of high school teachers and students.
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Objednané knihy doručujeme do 3 pracovních dnů do České republiky a Slovenska. Pro zákazníky máme také možnost osobního odběru na 2 pobočkách.
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Všechno naše úsilí a pečlivost se vyplácí. Zákazníci nás chválí za kvalitní služby, vstřícnost a knihy ve skvělém stavu, a to nás nesmírně těší!
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