Eleanor is the new girl in town, and she’s never felt more alone. All mismatched clothes, mad red hair and chaotic home life, she couldn’t stick out more if she tried. Then she takes the seat on the bus next to Park. Quiet, careful and – in Eleanor’s eyes – impossibly cool, Park’s worked out that flying under the radar is the best way to get by. Slowly, steadily, through late-night conversations and an ever-growing stack of mix tapes, Eleanor and Park fall in love. They fall in love the way you do the first time, when you’re 16, and you have nothing and everything to lose. Set over the course of one school year in 1986, Eleanor & Park is funny, sad, shocking and true – an exquisite nostalgia trip for anyone who has never forgotten their first love.
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Objednané knihy doručujeme do 3 pracovních dnů do České republiky a Slovenska. Pro zákazníky máme také možnost osobního odběru na 2 pobočkách.
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Všechno naše úsilí a pečlivost se vyplácí. Zákazníci nás chválí za kvalitní služby, vstřícnost a knihy ve skvělém stavu, a to nás nesmírně těší!
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