Cambridge English for schools – Tests One
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Cambridge English for Schools offers: – an approach centred around the whole educational context of learning English at school – links across the school curriculum to other subject areas throughout the course, and to other classes in different countries – content and concepts related to learners‘ ages and levels of ability – an organisation which takes into account the realities of teaching English at school: mixed abilities, mixed motivation, time available, and class size – material which has been developed and successfully piloted with teachers and classes in many parts of the world. The course consists of four levels plus a Starter. Tests 1 is a photocopiable book which provides thorough testing for all Themes through written progress tests and also listening and speaking sections. In addition, every Theme contains a quiz in order to test knowledge of the content of the course.
Zajímá vás přesný stav knihy?
Neváhejte se na nás obrátit. Rádi vám pomůžeme.
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Standardy kvalityMožnosti doručení
Objednané knihy doručujeme do 3 pracovních dnů do České republiky a Slovenska. Pro zákazníky máme také možnost osobního odběru na 2 pobočkách.
Česká republika
Co o nás říkají naši zákazníci?
Všechno naše úsilí a pečlivost se vyplácí. Zákazníci nás chválí za kvalitní služby, vstřícnost a knihy ve skvělém stavu, a to nás nesmírně těší!
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Naposledy prohlížené
Nakupte 5+ knih a získejte 5% slevu