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A practical guide to finding fulfilling work – by understanding yourself. The idea that work might be fulfilling rather than just necessary is a recent invention. These days, in prosperous areas of the world, we don’t only expect to get paid, we also expect to find meaning and satisfaction. It’s a big ask and explains why so many people have an identity crisis in their work lives.A Job To Love is designed to help us better understand ourselves in order to find a job that is right for us. It explores the myths, traps and confusions that get in our way, and shows us how to develop new, effective attitudes and habits. With compassion and practicality, this book guides us to discover our true talents and to make sense of our confusion, desires, and aspirations – before it is too late.
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Všechno naše úsilí a pečlivost se vyplácí. Zákazníci nás chválí za kvalitní služby, vstřícnost a knihy ve skvělém stavu, a to nás nesmírně těší!
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